Resolution Fatigue
Right away, I should get this off my chest: this is not a classic New Years’ post. It’s more of a confession: Thinking about resolutions exhausts me. It’s not that I don’t want to make positive changes in my life. But there are just so many that need to be made. When I think about them, it’s like positioning my face a few inches from the nozzle of a fully-engaged firehose. There’s no way I can take a sip, or even a gulp. Instead, I’m gasping to get any oxygen at all. Whether it’s deciding how to spend a few free hours, or considering what I might give up for Lent, I have no shortage of ideas. Quite the contrary. I’ve been “blessed” with the ability (and never-ending-middle-of-the-night mental energy) to dream up countless “good” things to do. Some might enjoy this version of “creativity.” I am not one of them. Perhaps an illustration will help. I’m not trying to fall asleep yet (so this will be on the short si...