Hope Questions
Eileen Sommi, an encouraging friend and wonderful writer, recently composed a month-long devotional specifically for our church body . I’m running a little behind (okay, more like sixteen days behind), but for good reason, I think: I’m stuck on a question from Day One. It is turning out to be a very important question. The entry is based on the account of Moses sending a dozen leaders to scope out Canaan, a land God has already vowed that Moses and his followers will inhabit. You’ve heard of it I’m sure: the Promised Land . (Scary/funny sidebar: I’m baffled by how it is that in over four decades I’ve managed to completely miss the significance of that title. Go figure.) It’s strange enough that God’s people can’t simply waltz in and take possession of what they’ve been promised. For some reason, though, they'll have to fight for it. And, according to the leaders who report back to Moses and the others, it’s going to ...