The Car Necklace

More than a few passengers in my Honda Pilot have commented on the odd combination of items dangling from my rearview mirror:  

A leather cross received from a Baylor friend, a free coffee pass from Einstein’s Bagels (better get some before it expires!), and a charm my Camp Ozark buddy, Robin, gave me last August.

It says “Noticed.” 
A word that conveys a powerful message.
For when I’m noticed, I am . . . .

Maybe even cherished.

The coffee coupon and the cross on my “car necklace” aren’t so surprising.
But the pendant?  It’s a little more telling. 

Because—for better or for worse—I long for someone to notice how I’m . . . .
                    Living my life.
                    Parenting my children.
                    Talking to my husband.
                    Interacting with my students.
                    Keeping my house.
                    Commenting on papers.
                    Cooking (ok, thawing or picking up) my family’s meals.

And I wonder:  Am I the only one who feels this longing?

In past seasons, the noticing has occurred in the context of friendships fed by time spent . . . .
Being known.
Reminding—and being reminded—that amidst seemingly endless cycles of living-parenting-talking-interacting-keeping-commenting-thawing . . . .
the Light still shines.

These conversations are more sustaining than that oh-so-vital early-morning cup of coffee.

Lately, though they have been scarce.
There has been so little time to notice.  Or to be noticed.
To share.  To listen.
To remind.  To be reminded.

This more solitary season has brought a reminder:
It is my Father’s noticing that is most vital.

And my loneliness for friendship is really a loneliness for Him.
A longing to hear “well done.”
To know that I just might be a “good and faithful servant” after all.

But it can be so very hard, sometimes, to recognize His eyes, to hear His voice.
Which leads me to some questions:

* When are you most aware of His noticing you?

* How do you experience His “well done” in your life?

* What does His noticing sound like? Feel like? Look like?

And (maybe most importantly) are there people in your life who would be blessed by your noticing them?

Maybe even today?


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